Do your current systems and processes support a high-performance sales organization?
Are you consistent with your sales process and methodology?
What are your short-term priorities for accelerated growth?
How clear and aligned is the vision at the leadership level for what is required for sales success?
Is there alignment between the direction and expectations of the sales leadership and the sales organization’s activities?
We focus on evaluating the sales success vision at a leadership level, identifying and correcting issues with sales processes and systems, aligning sales vision and processes, and improving sales leadership and overall sales effectiveness to help you reach extraordinary sales levels.
We will work with you to identify and address issues with:
Determine the ideal size and structure for your sales force to reach its full potential.
Design, evolve, and implement sales processes that maximize your sales effectiveness.
Improve your ability to coach, motivate, and hold your sales people accountable for results.
Effectively optimize and leverage your CRM to best meet your clients’ needs.
Define predictive sales objectives that meet your growth targets.
Get actionable data out of your key indicators and make better decisions.
Use critical insights to develop accurate sales forecasts.
Sales Force Intelligence begins with a evaluation of your sales team and processes using the industry’s best assessment tools to define exactly what elements need to be addressed and, most importantly, how much additional revenue your team will deliver once those elements have been addressed.
Unlike any other training program or assessment tool, Sales Force Intelligence considers and measures
FOUR KEY ELEMENTS that are CRUCIAL to improving your sales performance. View Our Approach process.
In addition to a scientific assessment of the people, systems and strategies within your sales organization, we also survey your top clients to uncover their key priorities and loyalty criteria, and closely observe your sales team in the field. The data and knowledge gathered by these evaluations—combined with the insight gained from our leadership discussions around aligning sales processes and systems with strategic objectives—allow us to identify your specific areas for growth, and pinpoint precisely what competencies need to be included in any future sales training initiatives.
The resulting SEIA report (Sales Effectiveness and Improvement Analysis) provides a detailed analysis of your entire sales organization: people, processes, capabilities (conscious and unconscious) and potential. It will highlight EXACTLY what challenges need to be addressed and how much MORE REVENUE will be generated within the next 12 to 36 months after addressing them.
The four key questions that will be answered by our assessment of your sales force are:
What are your current capabilities?
How much more effective can you be?
What needs to be done to accomplish this?
How long will it take?
Sales Effectiveness and Improvement Analysis™ (SEIA)
The Sales Effectiveness and Improvement Analysis (SEIA) looks at the people, systems, and strategies within your sales organization and evaluates over 200 factors. It sheds light on potential problems with your hiring criteria, the quality of your pipeline, the effectiveness of your sales management efforts, whether your management team is on the same page, whether your salespeople are capable of executing your strategies, how comfortable your salespeople are with your model for going to market, and business being lost as a result of weaknesses in your salespeople’s capabilities and sales DNA. In addition, it identifies the salespeople who should be performing better and what you must do in order to help them reach their potential. You’ll also learn who is trainable, how much training they’ll need and the kind of help from which each will benefit.
Some of the questions addressed by SEIA include:
Is there a clear understanding of the sales success profile necessary to achieve the sales vision?
What is driving performance differences among individual sales people?
How do you compare to the sales profession and to your industry/competitors?
Why are you not generating more new business?
Are you reaching the actual decision makers?
Why isn’t your sales cycle shorter?
Are you selling consultatively?
Can you close more sales?
Professional Services Firm Assessment™
Lawyers, accountants, brokers and others in the professional services sector seldom if ever have the benefit of an in-house or contract sales team to attract new clients or retain and grow existing accounts. For professionals wishing to become more skilled at retaining and growing business, we offer a business development assessment for non-sales sales people. Developed by OMG, the Professional Services Firm Assessment™ will help you understand which of your partners and associates are suitable for performing business development and which are not, and improve the business development skills of those individuals who would benefit from training—training which we would customize and deliver in the same manner as we would do for more traditional sales teams.
It’s not necessarily about more or new sales training, but rather how to execute training to deliver greater results.
We don’t offer “off the shelf” sales training programs. Sales Force Intelligence is a sophisticated system, driven by the data that emerges from your SEIA assessment—which serves as the starting point before any customized training plan is developed. Our analysis of your SEIA results allows us to synthesize the EXACT status of your team’s competencies to pinpoint EXACTLY what needs to be addressed to get them to the next level of performance and EXACTLY how much incremental revenue this will produce.
Sales Force Intelligence allows you to develop a common understanding and language throughout your organization that articulates and reinforces the sales characteristics required for ongoing sales success and growth. Our proprietary sales training program STRIDE™ is then customized to teach your sales professionals how to more effectively engage with clients in order to meet and exceed your organizational goals.
STRIDE™ Success through Responsive Insight-Driven Engagement
STRIDE training is a non-intrusive, non-disruptive, and respectful evolutionary approach driven by scientific data about YOUR team and YOUR objectives. It is a thoughtful and professional process scientifically designed to inspire and guide all participants to reach their maximum potential. Our data-based and field-driven methodology, combined with our deep personal knowledge of sales effectiveness, is where the art and science of sales connect.
Our approach to training is flexible and situational. If you don’t have an established or effective sales methodology, we will deliver our full STRIDE sales methodology comprising the best and most proven sales methods in the business. For companies that already have a well-established sales methodology, our STRIDE program will maximize your performance by fully implementing your existing methodology, based on a detailed assessment of each participant’s sales skill gaps and challenges. Either strategy will result in a significant increase in sales effectiveness and revenue.
Based on a thorough understanding of the gaps and challenges with your current program and the aligned goals, strategies and vision for sales success developed through our sales leadership meetings (as well as appropriate market benchmarking information) we will develop and recommend options for your sales compensation program.
Would you like to:
Reduce new hire “ramp-up” time?
Increase sales longevity?
Reduce turnover?
Build a world-class, championship sales team by hiring only A players.
We provide you with the tools and coaching necessary to succeed in the sales recruitment process. We will work with you to develop a backdrop of selection criteria and teach you how to recruit better internally.
OMG Sales Candidate Assessment
By cross-referencing your leadership vision with the key competencies of top performers, we are able to identify and prioritize the sales practices, attributes, behaviors and drivers critical for your success and create an ideal sales profile for your organization.
Our sales-specific Candidate Assessment was developed by OMG to filter out the best candidates at the start of the sales recruitment process, and it is proven to be 92% capable of predicting a candidate’s sales success in your specific selling environment. These assessments are measured against the 21 core competencies of top-performing salespeople and adapted specifically to your ideal profile and unique requirements.
Fast, flexible and simple to use, the Sales Candidate Assessment Tool is the most accurate, predictive, sales-specific assessment available.
Sales Candidate Assessments can be used to assess:
•Sales Management
•Sales Leadership (Directors, VPs)
The Assessment includes a renowned “line in the sand” recommendation as to whether a sales candidate will succeed in the particular sales role under consideration.
The proof is in the results:
When clients hire sales candidates that are not recommended by the OMG Sales Candidate Assessment, 75% fail within 6 months.
When clients hire sales candidates that are recommended by the OMG Sales Candidate Assessment, 92% rise to the top half of their sales force within 12 months.
Download “The Modern Science of Salesperson Selection”
There are many different types of sales compensation programs and countless ways to shape commission plans. Your compensation plan has a significant impact on the performance of your sales team and the recruitment and retention of top performers. It is crucial to develop a compensation program that motivates your sales people to do their best work while also supporting your organizational objectives and bottom line.
We have extensive experience in successfully developing and implementing sales compensation programs and solutions. Sales Force Intelligence also allows for the development of effective sales reward and recognition programs to improve the attraction and retention of top performers.
No two businesses are alike.
We evaluate your existing compensation structure and then work with you to develop a program that makes the most sense for YOUR company based on your specific industry, market and sales team assessment.
Step One
Business Strategy, Goals Definition and Alignment:
We ensure there is complete alignment at the top regarding what you are trying to achieve with any changes to your sales compensation program and how it supports your overall corporate goals, strategies and vision.
Step Two
Investigation and Assessment:
In order to successfully develop and implement changes to your sales compensation program we must first ensure that we have an accurate understanding of your current program and identify any existing issues or gaps.
Step 3
Program Development:
Based on a thorough understanding of the gaps and challenges with your current program and the aligned goals, strategies and vision for sales success developed through our sales leadership meetings (as well as appropriate market benchmarking information) we will develop and recommend options for your sales compensation program.
Step 4
Implementation and Execution:
We support your activities related to the successful deployment and execution of the selected compensation program, including the development of pay plans, communications, training materials and other materials necessary to ensure a highly successful implementation.
Step 5
Monitoring and Evaluation:
We provide ongoing support to address any issues that may arise post implementation.
Book a no obligation, 15-minute discovery call with one of our Co-Presidents to determine if and how we can help you dramatically increase your sales revenue. Schedule your introductory call now.